Hello Second Graders


You are now in Second Grade! I am thrilled that you will be in my class this year. We are going to learn new and exciting things together. This is my seventh year of teaching 2nd grade at Colegio Real de Panamá, so I think you can infer that I LOVE second graders! I think it is the best grade ever! We get to learn a lot!

I think it is very important to work together as a classroom family. We will be spending a lot of time together so it is important to treat each other with respect, kindness, and compassion. I know that each of you have a different brain, which means you think and learn differently. It is my job as your teacher to help you grow as a learner and as a person of good character.

Be sure to keep up with our classroom daily or weekly checking the classroom BLOG. I am looking forward to having a wonderful year with you!

Teacher Mayré Bultrón 🙂paper_clip_love.gif